Menu programmer, Programmer / search for programmers – Dataman 848Pro2 User Manual
Page 31

Each Master operation can consist of a sequence of one or more partial operations, for
example Program device operation can consist of the following sub-operations:
Selection of sub-operations is stored in Project file. For details about project file creation
and usage, refer to Engineering mode chapter.
Preselected device operation can be started by button Run
displayed on main screen.
Menu Programmer
Programmer / Search for programmers...
Menu command displays the dialog “Search programmers”, which is used to
reinitialize software configuration, and to re-find available programmer sites. There is no
need to use this menu command in normal operation. Situations, when the command is
useful are:
1. when first starting DATAMAN-848PRO2 Stand-Alone multiprogramming system
2. when error message “Programmer Sites not found” is displayed
In the dialog “Search Programmers” use button “Search” to search for attached
programmers. The result of search will be displayed in table Search results in Search
dialog. When programmer sites are successfully found, the result shows the
programmer type, and allows you to accept new settings by button Accept. Otherwise
“No Programmers found” message will be displayed in table Search results and
button Accept is disabled.