Programmer / select enabled sites – Dataman 848Pro2 User Manual
Page 33

When Automatic YES! mode is On, programmer sites are scanning their device sockets
after device operation is completed. The control program can detect removing of
programmed device and insertion of new device and afterwards automatically start
(repeat) recent operation on new device. So operator does not need to press any key or
button, to program next device.
When Automatic YES! mode is Off, operation on next device can be started manually,
by pressing the YES! button near each programmer site socket. Each programmer site
has its own YES! button.
Status of the active Automatic YES! function is displayed on the bottom left side of LCD
main screen with label Automatic YES! is On by following:
If the Automatic YES! function is Off, no label about Automatic YES! is displayed.
For more details about Automatic YES! feature see PG4UW documentation chapter
Programmer / Automatic YES!.
Programmer / Select Enabled Sites...
Command displays dialog “Select Enabled Sites”.
This dialog is used to select sites that have to be used. Each site is represented by one
check box. If the check box #n is checked, it means the site #n is selected, and device
operations will run on it. If the check box #n is unchecked, the site #n is unselected, so
no device operations will run on the Site. The sites can be set as selected or unselected
anytime needed, except during running device operation.