Lcd main screen – Dataman 848Pro2 User Manual
Page 26
LCD main screen
Main screen consists of following parts:
Menu: File Device Programmer Options Help
Table with information about programmer sites (site and serialization status)
Panel Next serial value
Panel Statistics
Recently selected device name
Recent project name
Checksum of data stored in data buffer for currently selected device
button Run... ( … can be operation name, for example Program, Verify, Erase)
button Stop All
Menu: File Device Programmer Options Help
Each menu item represents one menu command. For detailed information about menu
commands, refer to menu commands description chapter.
Table with information about programmer sites (site and serialization status)
Table contains key information about current status of programmer sites and
serialization information for each Site. If serialization is not used, the Serialization
column remains empty. Sites that are not connected, have '–' displayed in the Status
column. Connected Sites have their Status displayed. Following are typical values:
means the programmer site is connected and ready to start any
special status of connected Site, means the site is connected but it is
also not selected (checked in dialog Select Sites). User selected device
or project operations will not run on (unselected) Sites. User can set
Site selection in dialog 'Select Sites' accessible by menu command
Programmer / Select Enabled Sites.
No project file is loaded
means the Site is successfully connected but no
project file is loaded. It also means that no device is selected. The
recommended action is “Load project“.
other text describes current status of Site(s), for example:
'Loading data from disk to buffer'
'Programming device... 85%
'Programming device... OK
'Please insert a new device into socket'