Altera Temperature Sensor User Manual
Altera temperature sensor ip core user guide, Altera temperature sensor features

Altera Temperature Sensor IP Core User Guide
The Altera Temperature Sensor IP core configures the temperature sensing diode (TSD) block to utilize
the temperature measurement feature in the FPGA.
Note: Beginning from the Quartus II software version 14.0, the name of this IP core has been changed
from ALTTEMP_SENSE to Altera Temperature Sensor IP core.
Related Information
Provides general information about Altera IP cores.
Altera Temperature Sensor Features
The following table lists the Altera Temperature Sensor IP core features.
Table 1: Altera Temperature Sensor Features
V, Stratix IV, Arria
V, and Arria
• An internal TSD with built-in 8-bit analog-to-digital
converter (ADC) circuitry to monitor die temperature
• A clock divider to reduce the frequency of the clock signal
to 1 MHz or less before clocking the ADC
• An asynchronous clear signal to reset the TSD block
Arria 10
• An internal TSD with built-in 10-bit ADC circuitry
clocked by 1 MHz internal oscillator to monitor die
• Does not require external clock source
• An asynchronous clear signal to reset the TSD block
Note: The Altera Temperature Sensor IP core does not have simulation model files and cannot be
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101 Innovation Drive, San Jose, CA 95134
Document Outline
- Altera Temperature Sensor IP Core User Guide
- Altera Temperature Sensor Features
- Altera Temperature Sensor Functional Description
- Using Clear Box Generator
- Altera Temperature Sensor Device Support
- Altera Temperature Sensor Parameters
- Altera Temperature Sensor Signals
- Altera Temperature Sensor Prototypes and Component Declarations
- Document Revision History