Glossary – Waldorf Largo User Manual
Page 93

Largo User´s Manual
The majority of contemporary keyboards are capable of
generating aftertouch messages. On this type of keyboard,
when you press harder on a key you are already holding
down, a MIDI Aftertouch message is generated. This
feature makes sounds even more expressive (e.g. through
Aliasing is an audible side effect arising in digital systems
as soon as a signal contains harmonics higher than half
the sampling frequency.
Describes to which extent a modulation influences a
given parameter.
An amplifier is a component that influences the volume
level of a sound via a control signal. This control signal is
often generated by an envelope or an LFO.
An arpeggiator is a device that splits an incoming chord
into its single notes and repeats them rhythmically. Most
arpeggiators feature different sequence modes to cover a
wide range of applications. Typical controls for an
arpeggiator are the octave range, the direction, the speed
and the clock, which means the repetition interval. Some
arpeggiators also feature preset or programmable rhythm
An envelope parameter. "Attack" is a term that describes
the ascent rate of an envelope from its starting point to the
point where it reaches its highest value. The Attack phase
is initiated immediately after a trigger signal is received,
i.e. after you play a note on the keyboard.
Band Pass Filter
A band pass filter allows only those frequencies around
the cutoff frequency to pass. Frequencies both below and
above the cutoff point are damped.
Band Stop Filter
A band stop filter does the opposite of a band pass filter,
i.e. it dampens only the frequencies around the cutoff
point and lets all other frequencies pass through.