Waldorf Largo User Manual
Page 33

Sound Parameter
Largo User´s Manual
signal flow from a parallel to a serial filter configuration
and vice versa.
This is how the Routing section works in detail:
The Oscillator section uses two separate outputs –
one connected to the input of Filter 1, the other
connected to the input of Filter 2. Each sound
source, i.e. the oscillators, the ring modulator, and
the noise generator has an individual Balance
control. By means of these controls you can
determine what portion of each source’s signal is
routed to the inputs of Filter 1 and Filter 2. E.g. this
makes it possible to send the signal of Oscillator 1
and 2 to Filter 1 and the ring modulation signal to
Filter 2.
When the Routing parameter is set to serial, the
whole output signal of Filter 1 is routed to the
input of Filter 2, and added to the amount of signal
that is already coming from the Oscillators through
its dedicated output. This setting is equivalent to a
serial connection of the two filters.
When the Routing parameter is set to parallel, the
whole output signal of Filter 1 is routed to the
filter’s panning unit. This setting is equivalent to a
parallel routing of two filters, each filtering the
input signals independently.
After passing the panning units, both signals are summed
up again and sent to the Amplifier and Effect section.
Controls the cutoff frequency for the low pass and high
pass filter types, the center frequency for the band pass
and notch filter types, and the delay length of the comb
filter types.
When a low pass type is selected via the Type
parameter, all frequencies above the cutoff
frequency are damped.
When a high pass type is selected, all frequencies
below the cutoff frequency are damped.
When a band pass type is selected, only
frequencies near the cutoff setting will be passed
When a notch type is selected, the frequencies
around the cutoff frequency are damped.