Arpeggiator step editor – Waldorf Largo User Manual

Page 56

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Sound Parameter

Largo User´s Manual


• If off is selected, the Note Off message of the

previous note is sent right before the next note
with the same pitch is started.

Arpeggiator Step Editor

The following Arpeggiator parameters can edited with
your computer mouse easily.


You can only select the steps that are in the range set
by Pattern Length. E.g., when you have set Pattern

to 8, you can’t change a value of step 9 or


Pattern Length


Sets the length of the rhythm pattern. This parameter is
also valid when Pattern is set to Off or if one of the ROM
patterns is selected. Note that you can only edit a
particular step in the Step Editor when its position is
within the range of the Pattern Length parameter.

Step Editing

Click and hold the left mouse button on the desired step
to edit it. Depending on whether you click on the step,
you can change different parameter:

Click outside of the described areas (see above) and
move the mouse vertically to change the Accent of
the corresponding step.

Click in the left area of a step and move the mouse
horizontally to change the Timing of the
corresponding step.

Click in the right area of a step and move the mouse
horizontally to change the Step Length.


miscellaneous step data

Sets the accent of a particular step. This accent is
interpreted as a velocity offset that is added or subtracted
from the original velocity stored in the note list. However,
the generated velocities can never exceed the maximum
MIDI velocity 127 or minimum MIDI velocity 1. This
means when you have already played notes with a high
velocity, Accent might not be able to further offset them
positively, so you will only hear differences with negative
accent offsets. Conversely, low velocities might not be
able to be lowered by Accent. The only exception is
silent. See the following description:

If silent is selected, the current step is actually
played, but inaudible. This means that the note list
is advanced by one note, but you are not able to