Waldorf Largo User Manual

Page 21

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Sound Parameter


Largo User´s Manual

Add... – shows a file select dialog to select files
that are copied into the selected folder or the
enclosing folder if a file is selected.

Rename... – renames a file or folder if possible.
The root folders cannot be renamed but all
subfolders and files can. Note that this doesn't
change the name of the Sound in that file, it only
changes the name of the file on disk. If a name
already exists, the file is not renamed.

Duplicate – duplicates the selected files or
folders and renames them uniquely.

Move to Trash – moves the selected files or
folders to the system trash.

Reveal in Finder [Mac] / Reveal in Explorer
[Windows] – reveals the selected files or folders
in a Finder [Mac] or Explorer [Windows]

Add Scan Folder... – shows a folder select dialog
to select a folder that is scanned for folders and
files with known file types and the result is
added to the File Browser view. No files are
copied by this command, the selected folder is
only added to the view tree. All added scan

folders are stored in Largo's preferences when
Largo is closed and they are added to the File
Browser automatically on subsequent launches.

Remove Scan Folder – removes the selected top-
level folder from the list of scanned folders if
possible. The main library folders Local Library
and User Library cannot be removed, only the
custom scan folders can.

Refresh – refreshes the content of the selected
folder or the enclosing folder if a file is selected.

Refresh All – refreshes the content of all folders.

Arrow Key Up / Down select the previous / next file
or folder in the file browser.

Arrow Key Left / Right close or open a selected

Return (or Enter) loads the selected entry into Largo
memory. A Program File is loaded into the currently
selected program, a Bank File replaces the whole
memory of Largo.


Move – Drag and Drop inside the File Browser or
between the Finder [Mac] or the Explorer [Windows]