Waldorf Largo User Manual

Page 52

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Sound Parameter

Largo User´s Manual


notes with velocities 64, 120 and 96, the note list
will be sorted to 64, 96 and 120.

Vel Hi>Lo is the opposite of Vel Lo>Hi. The above
notes would be sorted as 120, 96 and 64.

Vel Mode

Each Note / First Note / Last Note

Determines how velocity is interpreted in the arpeggio.
Note that each arpeggio step might have an additional
positive or negative offset set by the Arp Accent

If Each Note is selected, each note of the arpeggio
is played back with the velocity that you originally

If First Note is selected, the first note you played
sets the velocity for all arpeggio steps.

If Last Note is selected, the last note you played
sets the velocity for all arpeggio steps.


Up / Down / Alt Up / Alt Down

Sets the direction that is used to play back the arpeggio.

If Up is selected, the note list is played forward
and the octaves are transposed upward. The
arpeggio starts in the original octave and goes up

to the highest octave. Then the arpeggio is

If Down is selected, the note list is played
backward and the octaves are transposed
downward. The arpeggio starts in the highest
octave and goes down to the original octave. Then
the arpeggio is repeated.

If Alt Up is selected, the note list is first played
forward and the octaves are transposed upward.
After reaching the last note of the note list in the
highest octave to play, the note list is played
backward and the octaves are transposed
downward down to the first note of the note list in
the original octave. Then the arpeggio is repeated.

If Alt Down is selected, the note list is first played
backward and the octaves are transposed
downward. The arpeggio starts in the highest
octave. After reaching the first note of the note list
in the original octave, the note list is played
forward and the octaves are transposed upward up
to the last note of the note list in the highest octave
to play. Then the arpeggio is repeated.