Waldorf Largo User Manual
Page 26

Sound Parameter
Largo User´s Manual
FM Source
see table „FM Sources“
Selects the source for the frequency modulation of the
selected oscillator.
You can create nice E-Piano sounds when you use a
high pitched oscillator as FM Source and set its
to a value between 000% and +050%.
The use of Noise is very interesting as FM Source
on a high pitched oscillator playing a sine or triangle
waveform. With a low FM Amount, the oscillator
starts to sound dirty or airy while higher amounts
create a coloured noise similar to a filter with high
resonance. A side benefit is that the filters are then
still free for other purposes.
FM Amount
Sets the amount of frequency modulation that is applied
to the oscillator by the selected FM source. The sound
will get more metallic and sometimes even drift out of
tune, especially if Oscillator 2 is used as FM Source for
Oscillator 3 and Sync is activated. To avoid unusable
detune, use a triangular or sine waveform for the FM
If you want to bias FM over the keyboard so that
higher notes aren’t modulated as strongly as lower
notes, use the Modulation Matrix and apply
Keytrack to the respective oscillator FM with a
negative amount.
Sets the pulse width of the Pulse waveform or changes the
startpoint of the wavetable. Click in the waveform display
and drag the mouse up or down to change the value. The
value 0 is equivalent to a pulse ratio of 0%, the oscillator
is producing no audible signal. The value 127 is
equivalent to 50% and produces a symmetric square
wave without even harmonics. If you select any waveform
other than Pulse or the wavetables, this parameter does
not have any effect. The following picture illustrates the
effect of the pulsewidth parameter:
A pulse width of 50% can be used for flute sounds
or very hollow bass sounds.
Pulse Width 50%
Pulse Width 33%
Pulse Width 25%
Pulse Width <1%