Waldorf Largo User Manual
Page 51

Sound Parameter
Largo User´s Manual
Press and hold the first key of the chord.
While holding this key, enter the other keys
sequentially. After playing all keys, you can
release the first key. This method is practical
for playing difficult chords. It allows you to
create arpeggios in the sequence of played
notes. You can even hit the same note
several times and it will appear in the note
list accordingly.
You can stop playback of the Arpeggiator by sending
an All Notes Off message from your sequencer.
1/64t…1280 bars
Sets the note value for the steps of the rhythm pattern in a
range from whole notes to thirty-second triplet notes.
Triplets (e.g. 1/8T) and dotted notes (e.g. 1/16.) are
available for every note value.
The Clock pop-down menu offers a range of usefull
musical values.
1/64t…1024 bars / legato
Sets the length of the generated arpeggio notes. However,
when Length is set to Legato, all arpeggio notes are
played without pauses between each step and
Arpeggiator Length
therefore has no effect.
The Length pop-down menu offers a range of usefull
musical values.
Sort Order
as played / reversed / Key Lo>Hi /
Key Hi>Lo / Vel Lo>Hi / Vel Hi>Lo
Sets the order in which the note list is arranged. With this
parameter, you can determine how the
notes you
originally play are split up for the arpeggio.
If as played is selected, the notes are sorted in the
exact order you played them. If you e.g.
press E1,
G1 and C1, the note list looks exactly like that.
f reversed is selected, the notes are sorted to the
reverse order in which you played them. If
e.g. press E1, G1 and C1, the note list is sorted to
C1, G1 and E1.
If Key Lo>Hi is selected, the notes are sorted from
the lowest note to the highest note. If you
press E1, G1 and C1, the note list is sorted to C1,
E1 and G1.
Key Hi>Lo is the opposite of Key Lo>Hi. The
example would be sorted as G1, E1 and C1.
If Vel Lo>Hi is selected, the notes are sorted from
the softest to the loudest velocity. If you