SpectraCal JKP Color Filters User Manual

Jkp filter set setting color and tint

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JKP Filter Set

Setting Color and Tint

Using the color bar pattern while looking through the blue filter, adjust the Hue or Tint

control until the White, Cyan, Magenta and Blue bars on top start to merge with the smaller bars
underneath them (all of the colors that have some blue component in them).

Focus on the Blue/White sections when adjusting Saturation.

Limitations of this Approach
Setting the color decoder controls visually is,
without a doubt, the fastest method of doing this,
and usually the most accurate. However, if your
TV’s primaries are particularly inaccurate or you
have a filter that is “off” (filters degrade over
time with exposure to humidity), then you may
not get a satisfactory result. Some displays have
a blue-only mode, this is a more precise way to
set color and tint visually.