SpectraCal HP DreamColor Z27x User Manual
Page 3

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During the connection process, the following message is displayed on the DreamColor:
“The LUT download is in progress. Do not turn off your display during the download
When the connection is about complete, the following message is displayed on the
DreamColor: “The LUT has been successfully downloaded.”
While connecting to the DreamColor monitor, CalMAN automatically resets the
DreamColor internal 1D LUT.
NOTE: If CalMAN fails to connect to the DreamColor Z27x, you may need to reset the
monitor. To do this, cycle the master power switch on the rear panel of the DreamColor
Z27x, and then wait 2 minutes before connecting to the DreamColor within CalMAN.
c. Meter Setup
Connect your color meter to the CalMAN computer.
Then, on the Meter Setup page, click the Find Meter button. On the Find Meters dialog, select
your meter if it is listed, then click Search. If your meter is not listed on the Find Meters dialog,
just click Search.
The DreamColor Z27x has a very wide color gamut. For the Target Display Type for a
colorimeter, select “LCD (LED Blue Green DCI/P3 Gamut).” No special selection is required for a
The DreamColor pops up message windows in the middle of the screen. Position your meter at
least 3 inches to the side of the screen center to avoid those message windows. Alternately, you
can move the message window away from the center of the screen (Main Menu > Menus and
Message Control > Menu and Message Position).
d. Session Options
On the Session Options page, confirm that the listed monitor and display mode are correct. If
not, step back to the Select Monitor and Calibration Memory drop down, on the Calibration
Client Connect page, to make the desired selection.
Make any desired changes to the default Color Space, White Point, and Gamma targets.
Note: This workflow defaults to PC (0-255) for Input Signal Levels. This is required to support 1D
LUT calibration.
2. Metered Calibration section
In the Metered Calibration section of the Monitor - Direct (EIZO/HP) workflow, step through the
following pages:
a. Pre-Calibration Capture
On the Pre-Calibration Capture page, you can measure the monitor’s performance before you
calibrate it. When you click the Read Series button, CalMAN measures the monitor’s grayscale
balance, the luminance at reference white, and the ColorChecker error across the monitor’s
color gamut.