SpectraCal Blackmagic Design HDLink Pro User Manual
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IR Profile (point based): Creates the best quality display calibration 3D LUT
possible with the selected number of measurement points (1,000 - 10,000
points). Uses Intelligent Resolution Profiling to search out the most nonlinear
color space areas and correct those first.
Lightning LUT: Creates a display calibration 3D LUT in five minutes or less.
Produces a very high quality result on professional displays with moderate
linearity. Displays with significant nonlinearity may produce marginal results.
C. Under Video Range, select “SMPTE (16-235)” if you are calibrating a video display
clips signal values above reference white.
D. Click OK.
Upon completion of the AutoCal 3D hardware LUT calibration process, CalMAN automatically loads the
optimized 17x17x17 LUT calibration data into the HDLink Pro.
DONE – HDLink Pro 3D LUT calibration and setup is complete.
Potential Crash Warning
With Windows 8, there may be instability with the HDLink Pro driver that causes a CalMAN crash during
the automatic LUT data load. CalMAN saves the LUT data to the CalMAN LUTs folder before attempting
to load the data into the HDLink Pro, so you won’t need to run the calibration again. If CalMAN crashes
during the data load process, perform the following steps to load the saved LUT data into the HDLink
1. Reopen CalMAN and connect to the HDLink Pro on the Display Control tab.
2. On the Display Control tab, click the Open DDC Window button.
3. Scroll left or right to the 3D LUT Controls screen.
4. Click the Load LUT button.
5. Select the LUT that you just created.
6. Click the Commit button.
The LUT data that was created before the CalMAN crash will be loaded into the HDLink Pro.