Videoforge hdmi calman setup guide – SpectraCal VideoForge HDMI User Manual

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VideoForge HDMI

CalMAN Setup Guide

The AVFoundry VideoForge HDMI Digital Video Generator can be automatically controlled by
the CalMAN Display Calibration Software.

Required CalMAN version:

5.2.1 or later

VideoForge HDMI version 2.1 requires CalMAN version 5.4.1 or later

Recommended CalMAN Workflows:

All available measurement and calibration workflows

Required VideoForge HDMI Firmware:

All firmware versions are acceptable

VideoForge HDMI Control Connection:

Ethernet cable (straight-through or crossover cable)

Wi-Fi connection

CalMAN Connection Procedure

Connect with either a direct Ethernet cable or over a local area network:
1. Connect the VideoForge directly to a host computer with an Ethernet cable (straight-

through or crossover cable).

2. On the CalMAN Source Settings tab, click “Find Source,” then select “AV Foundry;

VideoForge II / HDMI (Ethernet @9021).”