Klein k-10 calman setup guide – SpectraCal Klein K10-A User Manual
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Klein K-10
CalMAN Setup Guide
Required CalMAN Version
Any version is acceptable
USB Driver
FTDI chip driver
USB Driver Install
2. Plug the Klein K-10 into a USB port on your computer. Windows 7 should automatically
detect the K-10 device driver if you have installed the CalMAN Device Driver Kit.
If the USB Driver does not install properly:
3. Right click on Computer/My Computer and select Properties. Or go to the Control
Panel and open the Device Manager.
4. Open Device Manager. In the menu tree you will see a USB serial device that is not
installed (yellow exclamation).
5. Right click on the conflicted device and select Update Driver. Select Install From A
Specific Location, locate the Klein folder in the Device Driver folder in the Program
Files directory. It may ask you to install the driver twice; this is normal. Go through
the same process and the same location for the driver.
CalMAN Connection Procedure
1. On the Meter Settings page, click Find Meter.
2. On the Find Meters popup dialog:
a. Leave Com Port set to auto
b. Select “Klein Instruments meters (RS-232, USB)”
c. Click Search