Installation, Hapter – Parr Instrument 6755 User Manual
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P a r r I n s t r u m e n t C o m p a n y
The 6755 Solution Calorimeter requires approximately 4 square feet of work space on a
sturdy bench/table in a location free from room drafts or radiant heat sources, (preferably
in an air conditioned room providing minimal temperature change), and an electrical outlet.
Other necessary accessories include:
• Chemical balance sensitive to 0.1 mg
• Top loading balance capable of weighing up to 1.5 kg with a sensitivity of 0.1g
Unpack the calorimeter carefully and check the individual parts against the packing list. If
shipping damage is discovered, report it immediately to the delivery carrier. Handle the
glass cell, Dewar fl ask and the thermistor probe with care as these parts are fragile and
easily broken.
Set the calorimeter on a bench or table in a location that is free from drafts and protected
from sources of radiant heat. Temperature changes in the room should be minimal.
Power Connection
Plug the power line into any grounded outlet providing proper voltage that matches the
specifi cation on the nameplate of the Calorimetric Thermometer. The calorimeter will
draw approximately 100 watts of power. Grounding is very important not only as a safety
measure, but also to ensure satisfactory controller performance. If there is any question
about the reliability of the ground connection through the power cord, run a separate earth
ground wire to the controller chassis.
Turn the power switch to the on position. After a short time, the Parr logo will appear on
the LCD display followed by a running description of the instrument boot sequence. When
the boot sequence is complete, the 6772 Calorimetric Thermometer Main Menu is dis-
Motor Installation
Remove the 493E plug with 3280HC retainer on the motor output. Attach the motor cord to
the rear of the calorimeter case using the mounting screws provided for safety purposes.
Set the cover with its attached stirring shaft onto the stainless steel air can; drop the geared
drive belt over the motor and stirrer pulleys. The drive system should run freely. Although
the belt may appear to be unusually loose, it is intended to operate under light tension to
minimize friction in the stirrer bearing. The gearing on the belt and pulleys will prevent
Thermistor Probe Installation
Connections for two thermistor probes are located on the back of the 6772 Calorimetric
Thermometer. If only one probe is to be used, connect it to the “bucket” connection. If the
second probe is used, it should be inserted in the hole on the left, rear of the instrument.
Install the thermistor in the cover opening and press the bushing fi rmly into place to an-
chor the probe in its proper position. Place the cover on the calorimeter with the orienting
pin in the alignment hole.