Menu descriptions – Parr Instrument 6755 User Manual

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Menu Descriptions

P a r r I n s t r u m e n t C o m p a n y


Diagnostics Menu

Provides the user with the means to test many of
the components and subsystems of the Calorimetric
Thermometer. These capabilities should be used in
conjunction with the Maintenance Instructions in
order to obtain the maximum benefi ts from these

Calorimetry Parameters: This key accesses its sub-
menu which allows access to the calorimetry param-
eters used to automatically sequence a calorimetric
test. These parameters are organized according to
their use. The three types are:

Tolerance (L) Parameters. These parameters

are used primarily to establish appropriate
criteria for transitioning from pre-period to
post-period as well as ending a test.

Correction (K) Parameters. These parameters

are used for calorimeter temperature drift

Blackout (B) Parameters. These parameters

establish suitable blackout criteria for the
post-period of the testing sequence.

Test Ignition Circuit: Activates the ignition circuit.
A volt meter can be placed across the fi ring connec-
tions to ensure that the actual fi ring charge is reach-
ing these contacts.


The ignition Unit circuit is not used in the

6755 Solution Calorimeter.

Data Logger: Displays ON/OFF status and accesses
the Data Logger Controls Menu for setting the spe-
cifi c logging controls.

Data Logger Controls

Data Logger: This key toggles the data logging

function ON/OFF.

Data Log Interval: This key displays the inter-

val of which the selected data is logged. The
interval in seconds is defi ned in the Select
Data Items sub-menu (normally 10 seconds).
This roughly matches the update interval for
the bucket temperature.

Data Log Destination: Options are logfi le,

printer or both. When the logfi le option is
selected, the logfi le is located at /fl ash/datalog.
csv. The maximum allowed size for this fi le is
roughly one megabyte. If the fi le reaches this
size, logging is halted.

Select Data Log Items: Press this key to access

the Data Log Items sub-menu, which provides
keys for fi fteen items that can be individu-
ally selected for logging. By default, both the
bucket and jacket temperatures are logged. All
records are date and time stamped. The most
commonly helpful items to log are:

» D0 - Corrected calorimeter drift rate.

» Tsum - Accumulated temperature rise.

» T1 - Extrapolated temperature rise.

» C0 - Temperature conversion counter