Menu descriptions – Parr Instrument 6755 User Manual

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Menu Descriptions

P a r r I n s t r u m e n t C o m p a n y


Balance Port Settings

» Number of Data Bits. Standard options

for data bits. Toggles between 7 and 8.

» Parity. Standard options for parity.

Choose from None, Odd or Even.

» Number of Stop Bits. Standard options

for stop bits. Toggles between 1 and 2.

» Handshaking. Standard options for hand-

shaking. Choose from Xon / Xoff, RTS/
CTS and None.

» Baud Rate. Standard options for baud

rate. Choose from 19.2K , 9600, 4800,
2400, 1800, 1200, 600, 300, 150, 134.5,
110, and 75.

» Data Characters from Balance. This

setting is only used when the generic
balance format is selected. This value
determines the number of numeric data
characters (0-9 . + -) to accept. Any ad-
ditional characters after this value and
before the string terminating are

» Data Precision. This key allows the user to

establish the number of digits to the right
of the decimal point that are passed from
the balance handler.

» Transfer Timeout (seconds). This value

determines how long the interface will
wait before giving up on a weight trans-
fer. The value is entered in seconds.

» Balance Handler Strings. This key leads to

a submenu that allows balance template
to be customized for unique balances or

Log Balance to Display: Directs the incoming data
stream from the balance to a display buffer. This
function can be used to determine the data format
from an unknown balance type. The display buf-
fer is 40 characters in length. The balance must
be forced to issue at least 40 characters before the
contents of the buffer are displayed.

Balance Port LoopBack Test: Initiates a loopback test
on the port. A special loopback plug is required in
order to perform this test.

Further information on establishing commu-
nications for the Printer, Balance, Network
Interface, Bar Code Port and other Network
Data Devices can be found in the Accessory
Connections section of this manual.