Menu descriptions – Parr Instrument 6755 User Manual
Page 17

Menu Descriptions
w w w . p a r r i n s t . c o m
Date & Time Settings
Date: Displays current date and accesses the
sub-menu on which the date is set (YY/MM/
DD) format.
Time: Display current time and accesses the
sub-menu on which time is set in (HH:MM)
Time zone: Allows the user to select the local
time zone. Pressing the button will toggle
through the time zones.
Volume Level Adjust: Displays a slider adjustment
to change the volume of calorimeter.
Software and Hardware Info: This screen displays
important information such as the main software
version, I/O board hardware information, CPU type,
I/O fi rmware revision, and Controller IP address.
Settings Protect: Provides protection for the pro-
gram options and settings on the menus. If this is
turned ON, the user will be warned that enumera-
tion keys are locked when a key is pressed. Enumer-
ation Keys either toggle a value (ON/OFF) or select
from a predefi ned list. This feature is used primarily
to protect the instrument settings from accidental
changes if one were to inadvertently touch or bump
up against the touch screen.
User/Factory Settings: This key leads to a sub-menu
that allows the user to save or recall user defi ned in-
strument settings. Additionally, factory pre installed
settings supporting different bombs or special oper-
ating modes can also be recalled.
User/Factory Settings
Reload Factory Default Settings: Used to erase
all of the settings and restore the factory de-
fault settings.
Reload User Default Settings: Used to restore
current user setup ID settings should the pro-
gram in the instrument be corrupted for any
Save User Default Settings: Used to record the
setup to the memory once the user has confi g-
ured the instrument to their operating require-
Keys which make global changes to the set-
up of the calorimeter contain a YES or NO response
to make certain that the user wishes to proceed.
This two step entry is intended to prevent inadver-
tent global program changes.
Compare Settings With Factory Defaults: This
button will bring up a screen that will show the
differences in the current settings of the calo-
rimeter with the factory defaults.
Feature Key: Unique Feature Keys obtained from
Parr allow the user to access capabilities on the
instrument such as bar code interfacing or remote
operation of the calorimeter.
User Function Setup: This key leads to sub menus
that support the confi guration of fi ve factory/user
defi nable function keys. The function keys are acces-
sible from the Diagnostics page.
Cold Restart: This is essentially the same as cycling
power on the unit. All valid test data will be retained
during this cold restart procedure.