6 vacuum pump, 7 pressure control valve – Martin Christ Delta 2-24 LSCplus User Manual
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Delta 1-24 LSC&
Delta 2-24 LSC&
5 Set-up and connection
Version 04/2013, Rev. 1.2 of 20/02/2014 • sb
Translation of the original operating manual
The vacuum sensor comes supplied in a calibrated state.
After the freeze-dryer has been switched on, the vacuum sensor needs
several minutes until it is ready for operation.
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Pos: 105 /20 0 Ch rist/3 61 G T-BA L abo r-Pilot (PROJEKTE)/Del ta 1 -24 _2- 24 LSC plus/0 50 Auf stellun g u nd Ansc hluss/ 050 -006 0 Vak uu mpu mpe D elta @ 15 \mo d_1 355 3950 318 53_ 68.d ocx @ 780 76 @ 2 @ 1
Vakuum pum pe
5.6 Vacuum pump
Please refer to the separate operating manual of the vacuum pump and
the exhaust filter!
The vacuum pump must be connected to the vacuum connector of the unit.
The electrical connection is located inside the housing next to the vacuum
The oil mist that escapes when the pump is in operation must be retained
or carried off by way of an oil mist separator.
• We strongly recommend using an oil mist separator. This filter prevents
air pollution by oil mist.
• In order to carry off the oil mist, connect a suitable hose to the exhaust
port of the vacuum pump (RZ-2.5 and RC-6: ½", DUO 5 or DUO 10 ¾").
• The hose must be laid so that the condensate cannot flow back into the
pump. In the case of upward leading hoses, we recommend using a
separator (Woulfe's bottle or wash bottle).
Pos: 106 /01 0 Univ ersal mod ule/ Lee rzeile @ 0\ mo d_12 021 162 445 00_ 0.doc x @ 1 14 @ @ 1
Pos: 107 /20 0 Ch rist/3 61 G T-BA L abo r-Pilot (PROJEKTE)/Del ta 1 -24 _2- 24 LSC plus/0 50 Auf stellun g u nd Ansc hluss/ 050 -007 0 D ruckst eue rven til Delta @ 1 5\mo d_1 355 395 032 289 _68. docx @ 78 084 @ 2 @ 1
5.7 Pressure control valve
The pressure control valve is integrated in the suction pipe between the
vacuum pump and ice condenser chamber. During certain, specified
process phases, it interrupts the volume flow to the vacuum pump (see
chapter 2.2.1 - "General information on freeze-drying")
The pressure control valve is integrated into the system. Only specialised
personnel is authorised to perform maintenance or repairs.
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