2 layout and mode of operation, 1 layout of the freeze-dryer, 1 functional and operating elements – Martin Christ Delta 2-24 LSCplus User Manual

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Delta 1-24 LSC&
Delta 2-24 LSC&

2 Layout and mode of operation


Version 04/2013, Rev. 1.2 of 20/02/2014 • sb

Translation of the original operating manual

Pos: 17 / 200 Christ /36 0 GT -BA La bor -Pilot (S TANDARDMODULE) /02 0 Aufb au u nd Wirk ungs weise/ 020 Aufb au u nd Wir kung sweise == === == == === == == === == == === = @ 5\m od_ 129 913 628 8294 _68 .docx @ 3 4555 @ 1 @ 1

2 Layout and mode of operation

Pos: 18 / 200 Christ /36 0 GT -BA La bor -Pilot (S TANDARDMODULE) /02 0 Aufb au u nd Wirk ungs weise/ 020 -00 10 Au fba u de r Ge frie rtr ocknu ngsa nlag e-- --- -- --- -- --- -- --- --- -- --- -- --- --- -- --- -- --- -- - @ 5 \mo d_1 299 1362 888 09_ 68. docx @ 345 63 @ 2 @ 1

2.1 Layout of the freeze-dryer

Pos: 19 / 200 Christ /36 1 GT -BA La bor -Pilot (PROJEKTE )/Delt a 1- 24_ 2-2 4 LSCpl us/02 0 Aufb au und Wi rkun gsweise/ 020 -00 10- 001 0 Funk tions - un d Bedi enele me nte D elta @ 14\ mod _13 548 653 1330 2_6 8.d ocx @ 767 12 @ 3 @ 1

2.1.1 Functional and operating elements




user interface

(see chapter 6.5.1 -

"User interface")


Vacuum pump


Oil mist separator

Fig. 1:

Front of the freeze-dryer



Fig. 2:
User interface with


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