LINK Systems OmniLink - PLC Interface User Manual
Page 32

June 5, 2000
Man ual Rev 1 .0
Section 5.6.2
Request to Change Job
Jobs can come from local storage or, if LinkNet is installed, can be downloaded from a host computer.
The methods for doing either technique are very similar.
Load Job From Local Storage
From PLC:
= nine digit job number with leading zeros if necessary.
Reply from Link:
Generates Job Number Command (See section 5.5.1).
It can take a relatively long period of time (several seconds) for the reply to come from this request.
When the job change request is received, the Link equipment checks to see if the job is valid. If it is,
the job is recalled. If the job is not valid, a job number command is still generated but the job
number will be unchanged. Therefore, it is a good idea to check the reply to this message to verify
the job has been changed as intended.
Loading a Job From LinkNet
From PLC:
= nine digit job number with leading zeros if necessary.
Reply from Link:
Generates Job Number Command.