LINK Systems OmniLink - PLC Interface User Manual
Page 21

June 5, 2000
Man ual Rev 1 .0
The features of this screen are:
Parameter Name:
Up to 20 characters can be entered as the name of each parameter. This
name will be displayed on the PLC user screen.
The number of digits for this parameter. Valid values are 1 to 8.
The number of decimal places for this parameter. Valid values are 0 to 7
but must also be at least 1 less than the number of digits. A 0 for this
value means no decimal point will be used.
Min. Val.:
The minimum value for this parameter. This can be any number less than
the max value. When a user changes a parameter value it is checked
against this value. If it is less than the minimum, a message is displayed
indicating the problem and the new number is NOT accepted or sent to the
PLC. This value only applies to numeric parameters (“Numeric Only” or
“Numeric and Status”).
Max. Val.:
The maximum value for this parameter. This can be any number larger
than the min value. When a user changes a parameter value it is checked
against this value. If it is more than the maximum, a message is displayed
indicating the problem and the new number is NOT accepted or sent to the
PLC. This value only applies to numeric parameters (“Numeric Only” or
“Numeric and Status”).
The units to display after the number. This can be up to 5 characters long.
In the example of Figure 3.5, “Clamp Pressure” is configured with units of
“psi”. Units will only be shown for numeric parameters (“Numeric Only”
or “Numeric and Status”).
Choices are “Unused”, “N. Only” (Numeric Only), “S. Only” (Status
Only), and “N. & S.” (Numeric and Status). There are 16 possible user
parameters but not all of them have to be used. Only those that are used
will be displayed in the PLC operation screen (the screen where the user
actually enters the parameter values - see section 4 for details). Numeric
Only mode will simply display the parameter name, current value, and
units on the operation screen. Minimum and maximum values will be
enforced. Status Only mode will display the parameter name and a 15
character parameter status message (see section 3.3 for details on setting
up the parameter status messages). Numeric and Status mode will act the
same as numeric mode with the addition of the 15 character parameter
status message.
A help box (see “b” in Figure 3.5) will display information about the
parameter the editing cursor is on as a reminder of how it is used.
Sample Parameter Format:
The sample parameter format box (see “a” in Figure 3.5) displays a line
that shows how the parameter that the editing cursor is on will look in the
PLC operation screen.