LINK Systems OmniLink - PLC Interface User Manual
Page 18

June 5, 2000
Man ual Rev 1 .0
Figure 3.3:
Example “Screen Status Message Configuration” screen
without requiring a separate display. To do this, the PLC sends a command to the OmniLink OIT that
indicates which status line is being addressed (there are up to 4 per screen) and the message number to
display (See section 5 for details on the message format). The messages themselves are configured in
this screen.
Figure 3.3 shows an example “Screen Status Message Configuration” screen.
Features of this screen include:
Message Number
Identifies the message for use in the status display protocol. See Section 5 for
details on the use of this number. This is not a configurable item.
Status Message
Each message can be up to 40 characters long. This is the message that will be
displayed on the screen when the PLC selects this message number. To change a
message description, place the editing cursor in the message to be changed and
press the “CHANGE TEXT” softkey. Enter the new message using the text entry
system described in Section 2.
Each message can be one of 4 color combinations - “Normal” (black text on a
white background), “Green” (black text on a green background), “Yellow” (black
text on a yellow background), and “Red” (white text on a red background). To
change a message color, place the editing cursor on the color of the message to
change and press the “CHANGE SETTING” softkey. Select the color desired
from the list that appears and hit the “ENT” key. A small block to the right of the
color name will be displayed in the color selected.
There are 256 possible screen status messages. Use the “PREVIOUS PAGE” softkey to display the