LINK Systems OmniLink - PLC Interface User Manual
Page 22

June 5, 2000
Man ual Rev 1 .0
PLC screen softkeys are not a required part of the PLC Interface. If there is only one
PLC screen being used and no PLC action keys are used then this section may be
Notice that some screen formatting is possible by leaving “gaps” between parameters. In the example of
Figure 3.5, a parameter is skipped between “Clamp 4 Status” and “Clamp Pressure”. This will leave a
blank line between these two parameters on the PLC operation screen.
Press the “SET SCREEN SOFTKEYS” softkey to configure softkeys for this PLC screen. See section
3.5 for details.
Press the “SET SCREEN STATUS LABELS” softkeys to configure the legends for screen status
messages for this screen. See section 3.6 for details.
Section 3.5
PLC Screen Softkey Configuration
Each PLC screen can have a “Screen Name” softkey and up to 5 PLC action softkeys. The “Screen
Name” softkey is used for getting to a particular PLC operation screen if there is more than one PLC
screen defined. It will appear in one of the softkeys positions at the bottom of the PLC operation screen
(See “a” in Figure 4.1) if not currently on that screen. Pressing this key will, of course, take the user to
this screen.
PLC action softkeys will send a message to the PLC whenever the softkey is pressed. This allows the
PLC to take some action based on the particular key pressed. In the example of Figure 3.6, two keys
have been configured to tell the PLC when to clamp and unclamp a die.