LINK Systems OmniLink - PLC Interface User Manual

Page 17

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June 5, 2000

Man ual Rev 1 .0



Screen status messages are not a required part of the PLC Interface. If status and/or
error messages from the PLC are not going to be displayed on the OmniLink operator
terminal, then this section may be skipped.

there is a problem with the communications link.

Send Dec Pt:

Choices are “Yes” and “No”. If the setting is “Yes” then a decimal point will be sent
to the PLC for parameters that have one. If “No” then the number will be sent
without a decimal point. For instance, if parameter 1 is configured with 6 digits and 3
decimal places, it might look like “123.456" on the screen. If “Send Dec Pt” is “Yes”
then the PLC Interface would send “123.456" to the PLC. If “Send Dec Pt” is “No”
then “123456" would be sent to the PLC. This setting is used to allow decimal places
to be shown on the user screen even if it would be difficult to handle them on the

Send Job Num:

Choices are “Yes” and “No”. If this setting is “Yes” then the PLC interface will send
the current job number to the PLC whenever it changes and on power-up. If this
setting is “No” the job number will not automatically be sent but the PLC can still
request it.

Screen X Name:

Where X is 1 to 4. The four possible PLC screens can each be given a name. This
name will be the title at the top of the PLC operator screen when that screen is
selected. The example screen in Figure 3.2 shows that screen 1 is going to interface
to an external die clamp system and screen 2 is going to interface to a rolling bolster
control system. The names for screens 3 and 4 do not matter as they are not enabled.

Screen X Used:

Where X is 1 to 4. Each of the four possible PLC screens can be used or not used. A
screen must be marked as used before it is available for operation. The example
screen in Figure 3.2 indicates that screen 1 and screen 2 are used while screens 3 and
4 are not.

There are also several softkeys on this screen:


Where “X” is 1 to 4. This displays the “Parameter Configuration”
screen for the respective PLC screen number. See Section 3.4 for


This softkey will display the “Screen Status Message Configuration”
screen. See Section 3.2 for details.


This softkey will display the “Parameter Status Message
Configuration” screen. See Section 3.3 for details.

Section 3.2

Screen Status Message Configuration

The PLC interface allows the PLC to display specific status and/or error messages on the OmniLink OIT