LINK Systems OmniLink - PLC Interface User Manual
Page 30

June 5, 2000
Man ual Rev 1 .0
Section 5.5.2
User Parameter Command
This sends a user defined parameter to the PLC.
From Link:
is a three digit parameter number (with leading zero if necessary).
is the value of the parameter.
Reply from PLC:
return of message.
If the user has user parameters enabled on the Link equipment, then one or more of these commands
will be sent on power-up, when a job is recalled, and when the user changes a value. This command
is fixed format if the “Send Decimal Point” parameter is “No” in the PLC main configuration screen.
The PNUM is always a three digit number with leading zero if necessary. The PVAL always
contains 9 digits and can have a decimal point if “Send Decimal Point” is “Yes” AND the parameter
is configured with a decimal place value that is non-zero. Note that 9 digits are sent regardless of
how many digits are present on the PLC operator screen.
For example, the user parameter 1 is set to 6 digits and 3 decimal places. With “Send Decimal Point”
set to “Yes” the command might look like :
With “Send Decimal Point” set to “No” the same command would look like:
User parameters 0 to 15 are on PLC screen 1, parameters 16 to 31 are on PLC screen 2, parameters
32 to 47 are on PLC screen 3, and parameters 48 to 63 are on PLC screen 4.