Elenco Snap Circuits SnapMicro I Deluxe ® User Manual
Page 58

Voltmeter Flowchart;
In the Auto-Calibrate section
the base-emitter voltage on
Q2 is read on pin 2 of the
micro-controller. Variable w6
is then adjusted for the
correct reading. This is only
calculated once each time
the program is started.
The RV voltages are then
read on pin 1 of the micro-
controller and calculated
using variable w6.
The digital number is
formatted to read as a
decimal and sent to the
terminal display.
The process will repeat after
the pushbutton is pressed
and released.
Since the “if” box in the flow chart does not support word variables, b11 was used with a note to make it
“w2” after converting to basic. The number “74” in the “if” box should be changed to the number written
on the back of Q2 in your kit. After converting and editing, the basic program should read as shown on
next page.
Auto-Calibrate Section