Echelon IzoT Resource Editos User Manual
Page 37

IzoT Resource Editor User's Guide
An 8-bit signed integer value.
A structure containing multiple fields. See
Creating and Modifying a Structure or Union NV
or CP Type.
A union containing multiple fields. See Creating
and Modifying a Structure or Union NV or CP
An 8-bit unsigned character.
A 16-bit unsigned integer value.
A 32-bit unsigned integer value.
An 8-bit unsigned integer value.
3. If you are modifying an existing type, Make this Item Obsolete appears beneath
Data Type. Set this checkbox to make this type obsolete as described in Removing
and Obsoleting Resources.
4. If you are creating a configuration property type, set the values in Type Range
Override and Default Value (if you are creating a network variable type, skip to
step 6). Set the default value, as well as override minimum and maximum values. If
this is a reference configuration property, these limits will override the minimum and
maximum values set in the Limits tab of the referenced network variable type.
Use Type Range Override and Default Value to select Minimum, Maximum,
Invalid, or Default. Enter a hexadecimal value for each of these. You can only
enter raw hexadecimal data, so when setting the default value for a structure, union,
or floating point type, you must know the hexadecimal representation of the
structure, union, or floating point type. See Using the OpenLNS CT Browser to
Calculate a Raw Value for information on using the OpenLNS CT browser to
determine the hexadecimal representation of complex types.
You can inspect the formatted version of the data entered into Type Range
Override and Default Value in Formatted Value. If you have changed the type
definition, this value may be based on outdated formatting rules; to ensure that the
latest rules are applied, click OK to save changes and re-open the configuration
property type by right-clicking it and clicking Open on the shortcut menu.
5. Click the Strings tab. This following tab appears: