Program problems – DAVIS WeatherLink Mac OS X Getting Started Guide User Manual

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Program Problems

Program Problems


The barometer graph on the Bulletin does not “fill in” completely.

When you first load the bulletin, the barometer graph will only fill in com-
pletely when you have data in your database for the last six hours. Make sure
of the following:
• There is data in your database for the span of the barometer graph.
• The time and date of the stored barometer data is correct in your database.
• The time and date on the PC is correct.
• The time and date on the weather station are correct.


I have duplicate records in my database. Why?

If you do not download from the data logger prior to changing the weather sta-
tion’s time and date (for a Daylight Savings time change, for example), you
may get duplicate records. Make sure to download before setting time and
date. In addition, you should be aware that the midnight records are duplicated
so they appear in each consecutive day. For example, a midnight record would
appear at the end of the data for November 22 and at the start of the data for
November 23. Using the record editor to change the record in one day does
change the record in the other day.

Note: Do not delete the duplicate midnight records; it may affect your rain database or NOAA

monthly summary.


No wind direction reading (or dashes instead of a reading) appears in my database.

Be aware that if there is no wind speed when the direction is being sampled,
wind direction is not recorded. During intervals with very little wind speed, no
direction may be recorded.

Note: Since high wind speed is sampled more often, it is possible to have a high wind speed but

no wind speed or direction.


WeatherLink says “No new data to download” but I know there’s data there. What
can I do?

The Weather Station is smart enough to send only data it hasn’t already sent to
the computer. So, when you initiate a new download, the program will retrieve
the first record after the last record shown in the WeatherLink’s Browse Win-
dow. Older data is stored in the logger as a backup. To see how many of these
backup records are stored in the logger, create a new station and download the
data into this new database. Because there are no records stored in the station
you just created, WeatherLink will download everything it has stored.