American Energy Systems Inglenook User Manual
Page 18

Version: 7.1
4. Always use a dry chemical fire extinguisher, baking soda or sand to control the fire. Do not
use water as it may cause a dangerous steam explosion.
5. Inspect outside the house to ensure that sparks and hot embers coming out of the chimney are
not igniting the roof or any adjacent building or property.
6. If a chimney fire ever occurs, DO NOT USE THE INGLENOOK FIREPLACE until both a
qualified chimney sweep and a local Fire Department Inspector reviews the system and
provides written approval that the fireplace and chimney are safe to operate.
The door should be wiped down regularly to ensure the luster and beauty of the door system lasts the
life of the fireplace. Always use an approved glass cleaner (i.e. Windex, Glass Plus) and a lint free
soft cloth to polish the doorframe. DO NOT use any abrasives, like steel wool, brass polish, cleaners,
like comet, or other household cleaners. If used, the door will be permanently scratched and the
finish ruined. If damage does occur to the doors from improper cleaning, the solution will be
expensive to return the doors to their original luster. Use proper care in cleaning the Inglenook doors
and other polished surfaces and a lifetime of enjoyment will be yours. Cast doors require no care.
The Inglenook Fireplace has an ash pan located below the firebox grate. Access to this ash pan is
through the lower grill. Always remove ash after they have properly cooled. Hot ash is dangerous to
both surrounding areas and can cause severe burns. Wait until the Inglenook fire has been out for a
minimum of 24 hours. Then open the bottom louver and remove the ash pan. A proper fireplace
glove should be worn anytime the ash pan is removed. Dump the ash in a proper ash container or
remove to a safe outdoors area. Remember that although the ash may look and feel cool to the touch,
a smoldering ember can start a fire. CAUTION: Care should be used to store any ash in a proper
container with an approved airtight lid. If ash is taken outside, water should be poured over the ash to
ensure no fire flare up can occur.
The intense repetitive heat inside the Inglenook firebox will normally cause hairline cracks in the
Firebrick. Proper curing as described in “First fires” will assist to minimize these cracks and extend
the life of the Inglenook Firebrick. Small cracks will not normally diminish the effectiveness of the
Firebrick; however, if large cracks develop in the Firebrick, then replacement of these items should
occur. To replace the Inglenook Firebrick bricks refer to Figure 6 and follow these simple steps: