American Energy Systems MagnuM Baby Countryside User Manual

Page 31

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A proper draft setting is crucial to the successful burning of solid fuels. Draft refers to the amount of air
flowing through the burn chamber of your stove. Too much or too little draft will cause your stove to
burn improperly and may result in the fire burning out. Please follow these guidelines carefully as you
operate your stove to achieve maximum efficiency and enjoyment.

9 The amount of draft required for your stove to burn properly will depend upon your installation and

the fuel you use. You can set your draft by looking at the flame and following these guidelines. The
manual draft lever is located on the back of the stove. Turning the lever toward vertical increases the
draft and horizontal decreases the draft. A little movement of the lever goes a long way to changing
the flame. It may take several trial and error adjustments on the draft to achieve the correct setting.

9 The flame should be an “active” flame. A flame that moves around lazily and emits visible smoke

needs more draft. To give the fire more draft, turn the lever app. 1/8” and check the flame again. If
the status of the flame has not changed, move the lever another 1/8” until you get a clean “dancing”
flame. If moving the damper does not change the fire, you might have negative pressure in the
home, a plugged air intake, a plugged exhaust system, a plugged heat exchange system.

9 The base of the flame should be blue in color and the top of the flame should be white with some

yellow. If the firepot fills up quickly and does not maintain a constant level, it needs more air.

9 If the flame does not have enough draft, fuel will build up in the firepot and eventually smother the

flame. If this happens, or if you notice the firepot is filling up with partially burned fuel, open the
damper 1/8” at a time until the fire is clean and dancing. If this continues and moving the draft lever
does not change anything, you probably have a negative air problem and need to have a service tech
take a look at your installation. Do not operate the unit if smoke is being pulled into the home.

9 If the flame has too much draft, the flame will look like a torch in that it will be moving rapidly and

possibly blowing fuel out of the firepot. If you find that you have this condition, turn the damper
lever 1/8” at a time until the condition of the flame changes.

9 If the fuel crusts over, you will need to check into the fuel quality. This will also be a problem if you

do not have outside air hooked up or if your home is starving for fresh air.

9 Over time, the firepot will gradually fill up with clinker residue and will need to be cleaned out. This

will happen from 1-5 days depending on fuel quality and type of fuel. When you open the door to
take the clinker cube out the safety sensor will trip and the unit will go into shut down mode. To re-
set the board, push the ON/OFF button for a few seconds and the unit will go back to regular

9 Use the tool provided to get underneath the clinker cube and lift up. You can then use a fireplace tong

(available at any hardware store) to pick up the clinker cube and drop into the ash pan to either side of
the firepot. The fire should stay burning unless you take too long or if the fire is picked out with the
cube. It is ideal to shut the unit down, take the clinker cube out and then clean everything and then re-
start the unit. This will give you the best results.

BC-AC MODELS (RP2007 control board) WIRING DIAGRAM