8144_enable_get_command – ADLINK PCI-8144 User Manual
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Function Library
This function is used to enable “get_command()” function. If
users enable “get_command” function, users can use
() function to get current command posi-
When the axis is in motion, you can not issue this function.
When “get command” is enabled, the command position
will be reset to zero and you can not change speed of axes
on the fly.
I16 _8144_enable_get_command( I16 AxisNo, I16
Enable );
B_8144_enable_get_command( ByVal AxisNo As
Integer, ByVal Enable As Integer ) As
I16 AxisNo
: Axis number of Target Axis.
I16 Enable
0: Disable get command position function.
1: Enable get command position function.
Return Values:
I16 Error code. Refer to error code table.
I16 ret;
ret = _8144_enable_get_command( AxisNo, 1 ); //
Enable get command function.
See also:
- USB-1901 (84 pages)
- USB-1210 (54 pages)
- USB-2401 (60 pages)
- USB-7230 (50 pages)
- USB-2405 (56 pages)
- DAQe-2010 (92 pages)
- DAQe-2204 (100 pages)
- DAQe-2213 (94 pages)
- DAQe-2501 (74 pages)
- PXI-2010 (84 pages)
- PXI-2020 (60 pages)
- PXI-2501 (62 pages)
- cPCI-9116 (98 pages)
- ACL-8112 Series (92 pages)
- ACL-8112 Series (93 pages)
- ACL-8112 Series (94 pages)
- ACL-8216 (75 pages)
- ACL-8111 (61 pages)
- PCM-9112+ (10 pages)
- PCM-9112+ (94 pages)
- cPCI-6216V (47 pages)
- ACL-6126 (28 pages)
- ACL-6128A (40 pages)
- PCM-6308V+ (52 pages)
- PCM-6308V+ (4 pages)
- PCI-7444 (82 pages)
- PCI-7434 (48 pages)
- PCI-7234 (56 pages)
- PCI-7260 (66 pages)
- PCI-7258 (38 pages)
- PCI-7256 (48 pages)
- PCI-7250 (48 pages)
- LPCI-7250 (48 pages)
- PCI-7396 (65 pages)
- PCI-7296 (59 pages)
- PCI-8554 (67 pages)
- PCIe-7360 (94 pages)
- PCIe-7350 (86 pages)
- PCIe-7300A (114 pages)
- PCIe-7200 (51 pages)
- PCI-7300A (112 pages)
- PCI-7300A (83 pages)
- PCI-7200 (96 pages)
- cPCI-7300 (82 pages)
- cPCI-7300 (83 pages)