Bottom / playback controls, Playback controls, Bottom – 3xLOGIC VIGIL Client User Manual

Page 84

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Bottom / Playback Controls

Hovering over the bottom section displays the bottom playback edge controls for the current video feed. At the top of this control, a
red or green buffering status bar indicates the amount of footage that has been buffered. Red indicates a partially buffered video
while green indicates the video has been buffered in its entirety.


If the selected Playback stream is currently Synchronized with other playback streams, only the video scrub bar and

the footage marker controls will be available in the bottom edge controls. Playback controls will be located in the Syn-
chronized Visual Timeline bar near the bottom of the Playback page for synchronized playback streams. See "Visual Time-
line" on page 79

Playback Controls:

Information about the camera feed is displayed below the buffering status
bar. This information includes the playback status, the date and time of the
footage, the frame rate if currently playing, the record mode of the footage,
the resolution and recording CODEC of the footage, the current frame
number, and the total number of frames.

Click-and-drag(hold down the mouse button)your cursor left or right across
the box to increase/decrease speed.

Skips to the very beginning or end of the video footage.

Plays back all footage backward or forward at maximum speed without skip-
ping any frames.

Plays all open video footage backward or forward

Pauses all open video footage

Click-and-drag the slide-bar to move to a different point in the video clip.

Skips one 10th of the footage if clicked while playing the video footage. 
While paused or stopped, click to play back frame by frame.  The mouse
scroll wheel can also be used to do this by selecting the playback slide-bar.

Start / End Range

Position the footage navigation slider at the beginning of the sub-
range and click the Start Range button. You will notice a small
marker appear below the starting point. Next, navigate to the
end of the sub-range and click the End Range button.


Removes the sub-range markers. If the sub-range is cleared when the View
button is latched on, the playback will return from the sub-range to the fully
loaded footage.


Loads the sub-range for playback. The playback information will indicate that
a sub-range is currently displayed. All of the playback controls will operate
on only the sub-range of footage.




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