10 installing the trucluster server software – Compaq AA-RHGWB-TE User Manual

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6.10 Installing the TruCluster Server Software

This section covers the Fibre Channel specific procedures you need to
execute before running clu_create to create the first cluster member
or clu_add_member to add subsequent cluster members. It also
covers the procedure you need to execute after running clu_create or

before you boot the new cluster member into the cluster.

Use the TruCluster Server Software Installation procedures in conjunction
with this manual for the TruCluster Server software installation.

To install the TruCluster Server software, follow these steps:


On the system you installed the Tru64 UNIX operating system on,
boot the system, and before you install the TruCluster Server software
subsets, determine the /dev/disk/dskn values to use for cluster
installation (see Section 6.9).


Initialize disklabels for all disks needed to create the cluster. For the
example disks we are using, it is disks dsk18 (/var), dsk19 (/usr),

[cluster root (/)], and dsk21 (Quorum). For instance:

# disklabel -rw dsk20 HSG80


Install the TruCluster Server software subsets and run the clu_create
command to create the first cluster member using the procedures in the
TruCluster Server Software Installation manual. When clu_create
terminates, do not reboot the system. Shut down the system and reset
the bootdef_dev console environment variable to provide multiple boot
paths to the member system boot disk before booting (see Section 6.8).
Boot the first cluster member.


On the system you installed the Tru64 UNIX operating system on, run

to add subsequent cluster members.




The system you installed the Tru64 UNIX operating system
on is already enabled to access all the member system boot
disks. If you use another cluster member system, you need to
use the wwidmgr -quickset command to set up the paths
to the member system boot disk.

Before you boot the system being added to the cluster, on the newly
added cluster member:


Use the wwidmgr utility with the -quickset option to set the
device unit number for the member system boot disk. For member
system 2 in the example configuration, it is the storage unit with
UDID 132 (See Table 6–2):

Using Fibre Channel Storage 6–53