Viconics VT7300 Installation Manual (Current Release 5000 Series PIR Ready) User Manual

Page 23

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23 | PIR Ready VT7300 Series-Installation Guide

BI 2
Binary input no.2
Default value = None

(None): No function will be associated with the input
(Door Dry) Door contact & Motion detector: This
configuration is only functional if binary input #1 is set to
Motion NO or Motion NC or a PIR accessory cover is

With this sequence enabled, the occupancy is now
dictated through those 2 inputs. Any motion detected will
set the zone to occupied status. The zone will remain
permanently in occupied mode until the door contact
switch opens momentarily. The Terminal Equipment
Controller will then go in stand-by mode. If more
movements are detected, the occupied mode will
resume. While the door is opened, any movements
detected by the remote PIR sensor or the PIR accessory
cover will be ignored. Use a Normally Closed contact
switching device.

Contact opened = Door opened

Contact closed = Door closed

(RemOVR): temporary occupancy remote override
contact. This function disables the central button override
function on the Terminal Equipment Controller. The
override function is now controlled by a manual remote
momentarily closed contact. When configured in this
mode, the input operates in a toggle mode.
It is now possible to toggle between unoccupied &
occupied setpoints for the amount of time set by
parameter (TOccTime) temporary occupancy time.

(Filter): a backlit flashing Filter alarm will be displayed
on the Terminal Equipment Controller LCD screen when
the input is energized. It can be tied to a differential
pressure switch that monitor filters
Contact opened = No alarm
Contact closed = Alarm displayed

(Service): a backlit flashing Service alarm will be
displayed on the Terminal Equipment Controller LCD
screen when the input is energized. It can be tied in to
the AC unit control card, which provides an alarm in case
of malfunction.

Contact opened = No alarm

Contact closed = Alarm displayed