Right wrong – Top Flite Sierra 40 Trainer Kit User Manual

Page 32

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2. Push the hinges half way into the control

surfaces. Wick several drops of thin CA into the slot
from both sides of the hinges.

3. Fit the elevator and rudder onto the airframe.

Make sure that all of them fit and line up properly.

Wick several drops of thin CA into the hinge slots on
the elevator, then the rudder. Be sure to glue the

hinges in from both sides of the surface.


mark the location of the mounting holes. Drill 3/32"
mounting holes through the marks. Then wick some

thin CA glue into them to 'harden' the balsa. The

horns are screwed in place using 2-56 x 5/8" ma-
chine screws
and nylon nut plates.

throttle use horns made out of large, "four armed"

horns. The aileron horn is set up to provide "differ-
ential throw." In this case it will cause the ailerons
to deflect "up" more than they deflect "down." The
horn shown is made out of a large, round Futaba
horn that is drilled on the "1" and "4" radial lines
where they intersect the "12.5mm" radius line. (See
the drawing on the wing plan).

4. Make the rudder and elevator pushrods: Cut

ten 5/16" lengths of the inner pushrod tube to act as
spacers. Distribute these on the 34" threaded end

.074" wire pushrods as shown on the fuselage top
view. Note: If the spacers are extremely tight on the

.074 wire, you may cut them down to 3/16". If the

spacers are loose on the .074 wire, use a tiny drop of
CA to glue them to the .074 wire. In any case, they
should not easily move on the wire.

4. Use a toothpick to push 15-minute epoxy into

the torque-rod holes in each aileron. Fit the aileron

in place. Then glue in the hinges using the technique
described above.


2 - 56 x 5/8 Machine Screw

Nut Plate

Small Control Horn

1. Install the elevator and rudder small nylon

control horns in line with the pushrod exits as
shown on the plans. Hold the horns in position and

2. Mount the servos into the main servo tray

oriented as shown on the fuselage plan top view.

Mount the aileron servo (if used) in the aileron servo

tray.. Since the main servo tray is adjustable fore and
aft for small CG corrections, do not glue it in until told
to do so.

3. For easy setup and good control response, we

recommend you start off using servo horns resem-
bling those shown on the plans. The rudder and

of the pushrods, insert the pushrods into their guide
tubes, and temporarily hook the clevises up to the
control horns. The pushrods will later be marked and

removed so you can make the z-bends.

5. Screw the nylon clevises well onto the ends