Build the wing – Top Flite Sierra 40 Trainer Kit User Manual

Page 16

background image


Nylon Landing Gear Strap

No. 2 x 3/8 Sheet
Metal Screw

46. Put the main landing gear back in position and

place two molded nylon landing gear straps over

the wire LG as shown in the picture. Mark, then drill
four 1/16" pilot holes. Use four No. 2 x 3/8" sheet

metal screws to hold down the LG straps. The
landing gear may be removed until after covering.

This completes the basic construction of the



NOTE: The SIERRA wing, much like the fuse, is
designed so all the major components can be fit

together without glue. This allows you to check
that the pieces are properly fit and aligned before

applying glue to the joints. The wing plan may
be cut in half along the line provided if you wish.

1. Tape the LEFT WING PANEL portion of the

plan over your work surface. (The best work surface

is a very flat board that you can pin into. "Celotex,"
a type of board you can find at a hardware store or
home center, is an example of one). Cover the left
wing panel section with waxed paper so you won't
glue the wing to the plan.

2. Assemble the wing guide tool from the die-cut

1/8" plywood pieces marked "G". The "0" degree
(from vertical) side of the tool can be used to check

the ribs to see if they are vertical. The "4" degree
side will be used later. Do not glue the tool to-

3. The shaped and notched balsa leading edges

and trailing edges are joined by a thin layer of balsa.

These are cut apart in one of two ways:

A. Break the pieces apart and clean up the

rough edges with a sanding block.


Hold knife at an angle

when cutting apart


B. Carefully run a knife down the edge between

the parts to cut them cleanly apart.

NOTE: The Sierra was designed to use

symmetrical leading and trailing edges (they

have no top or bottom). They do, however, have

a root end and a tip end.

4. The tip ends of the leading and trailing edges

are the ends with a notch very close to the end. Mark
the leading and trailing edges with a "T" to designate
the tip. T-Pins



Work Surface

5. Use the criss-cross pin technique shown in

the illustration to pin a 3/8" x 3/8" x 30" balsa spar
over its location on the plans. Pin the spar in 3 or 4

places. (The photo for this step is at the top of the
next column)

Xacto knife