Kit inspection, Ordering replacement parts, Metric conversions – Top Flite TOPA0950 User Manual

Page 5

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When a specifi c type of adhesive works best for that
step, the instructions will make a recommendation.

• Whenever just epoxy is specifi ed you may use
either 30-minute (or 45-minute) epoxy or 6-minute
epoxy. When 30-minute epoxy is specifi ed it is
highly recommended that you use only 30-minute
(or 45-minute) epoxy, because you will need the
working time and/or the additional strength.

Photos and sketches are placed before the step
they refer to. Frequently you can study photos in
following steps to get another view of the same parts.


Before starting to build, inspect the parts to make
sure they are of acceptable quality. If any parts are
missing or are not of acceptable quality, or if you
need assistance with assembly, contact Product
. When reporting defective or missing parts,
use the part names exactly as they are written in the
Kit Contents” list on this page.

Top Flite Product Support

3002 N. Apollo Drive, Suite 1

Champaign, IL 61822

Telephone: (217) 398-8970

Fax: (217) 398-7721

E-mail: airsupport@top-fl


1. Fiberglass Air Scoop
2. Right Aileron
3. Right Flap
4. Right Wing Panel
5. Fuselage
6. Elevator Joiner Wire
7. Tail Wheel
8. Tail Wheel Wire
9. Right Elevator

10. Rudder
11. Horizontal Stabilizer
12. Left Elevator
13. Left Flap
14. Left Wing Panel
15. Left Aileron
16. Right Machine Guns
17. Right Strut Cover
18. Fuel Tank
19. Fiberglass Cowl
20. Right ABS Exhaust Stack
21. Engine Mount Halves
22. Spinner
23. Belly Pan
24. Left ABS Exhaust Stack
25. Canopy
26. Dummy Radio & Battery
27. Seat Back
28. Pilot Figure
29. Instrument Panel
30. Left Strut Cover
31. Left Machine Guns


To order replacement parts for the Top Flite
P-51 Mustang ARF, use the order numbers in the
Replacement Parts List that follows. Replacement
parts are available only as listed. Not all parts are
available separately (an aileron cannot be purchased
separately, but is only available with the wing kit).
Replacement parts are not available from Product
Support, but can be purchased from hobby shops
or mail order/Internet order fi rms. Hardware items
(screws, nuts, bolts) are also available from these
outlets. If you need assistance locating a dealer to
purchase parts, visit and click
on “Where to Buy.” If this kit is missing parts, contact
Product Support.


Order Number Description

How to purchase

Missing Pieces .................. Contact Product Support
Instruction Manual ............ Contact Product Support
Full-Size Plans ..................................... Not Available

Contact your hobby supplier to purchase these items:

TOPA1725 Fuselage Set
TOPA1726 Wing Set
TOPA1727 Tail Set (Elevators and Stabilizers)
TOPA1728 Cowl
TOPA1729 Cockpit Kit
TOPA1730 Decal
TOPA1731 Canopy
TOPA1732 Spinner
TOPA1733 Air Scoop
TOPA1734 Dummy Exhaust
TOPA1735 Landing Gear Struts
TOPA1736 Landing Gear Doors
TOPQ7950 Retracts Landing Gear


1" = 25.4mm (conversion factor)

1/64" = .4mm

1/32" = .8mm

1/16" = 1.6mm

3/32" = 2.4mm

1/8" = 3.2mm

5/32" = 4.0mm

3/16" = 4.8mm

1/4" = 6.4mm

3/8" = 9.5mm

1/2" = 12.7mm

5/8" = 15.9mm

3/4" = 19.0mm

1" = 25.4mm

2" = 50.8mm

3" = 76.2mm

6" = 152.4mm

12" = 304.8mm

18" = 457.2mm

21" = 533.4mm

24" = 609.6mm

30" = 762.0mm

36" = 914.4mm