Model inspection, Ordering replacement parts – Top Flite TOPA0708 User Manual

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❍ Drill
❍ Drill bits: 1/16" [1.6mm], 5/64" [2mm], 3/32"

[2.4mm], 1/8" [3.2mm], 3/16" [4.8mm], 13/64"
[5.2mm], 1/4" [6.4mm]

❍ Small metal fi le
❍ Stick-on segmented lead weights (GPMQ4485)
❍ Silver solder w/fl ux (STAR2000)
❍ Hobby Heat micro torch (HCAR0755)
❍ #1 Hobby knife (RMXR6903)
❍ #11 blades (5-pack, RMXR6930)
❍ Sanding tools and sandpaper assortment (see

Easy-Touch Bar Sander section)

❍ Curved-tip canopy scissors for trimming plastic

parts (HCAR0667)

❍ DLE-55 Propeller Drill Guide (DLEQ0551)


❍ Top Flite MonoKote Sealing Iron (TOPR2100)
❍ Top Flite Hot Sock Iron Cover (TOPR2175)
❍ Top Flite MonoKote Trim Seal Iron (TOPR2200)
❍ Top Flite MonoKote Heat Gun (TOPR2000)
❍ Coverite 21


Century Sealing Iron (COVR2700)

❍ Coverite 21


Century Cover Sock (COVR2702)

❍ Coverite 21


Century Trim Sealing Iron



Here is a list of optional tools mentioned in the manual
that will help you build the Giant Spitfi re Mk IX ARF.

❍ 2 oz. [57g] spray CA activator (GPMR6035)
❍ CA applicator tips (HCAR3780)
❍ CA debonder (GPMR6039)
❍ Builder’s Triangle Set (HCAR0480)
❍ Scale Warbird Template (TOPR2187)
❍ 36" metal ruler (HCAR0475)
❍ Hobbico High Precision Diagonal Cutter 5"


❍ Pliers with wire cutter (HCAR0625)
❍ Robart Super Stand II (ROBP1402)

❍ Switch & Charge Jack Mounting Set


❍ Panel Line Pen (TOPQ2510)
❍ Rotary tool such as Dremel
❍ Rotary tool reinforced cut-off wheel


❍ Servo horn drill (HCAR0698)
❍ AccuThrow Defl ection Gauge (GPMR2405)
❍ CG Machine (GPMR2400)
❍ Precision Magnetic Prop Balancer (TOPQ5700)


● Anytime a sheet metal screw is installed in wood,

fi rst install the screw, remove the screw and apply a
couple of drops of thin CA in the hole to harden the
threads. After the CA has cured, reinstall the screw.

Photos and sketches are placed before the step

they refer to. Frequently you can study photos in
following steps to get another view of the same parts.

● The Giant Spitfi re Mk IX ARF is factory-covered

with Top Flite MonoKote fi lm. Should repairs ever be
required, MonoKote can be patched with additional
MonoKote purchased separately. MonoKote is
packaged in six-foot rolls, but some hobby shops also
sell it by the foot. If only a small piece of MonoKote is
needed for a minor patch, perhaps a fellow modeler
would give you some. MonoKote is applied with a
model airplane covering iron, but in an emergency
a regular iron could be used. A roll of MonoKote
includes full instructions for application. Following
are the colors used on this model and order numbers
for six foot rolls.



Flat Olive Drab (TOPQ0510)

Flat Dove Gray (TOPQ0511)







● The stabilizer and wing incidences and engine

thrust angles have been factory-built into this model.
However, some technically-minded modelers may
wish to check these measurements anyway. To view

this information visit the web site at
and click on “Technical Data.” Due to manufacturing
tolerances which will have little or no effect on the way
your model will fl y, please expect slight deviations
between your model and the published values.


Before starting to build, take an inventory of this model
to make sure it is complete, and inspect the parts
to make sure they are of acceptable quality. If any
parts are missing or are not of acceptable quality, or if
you need assistance with assembly, contact Product
. When reporting defective or missing parts,
use the part names exactly as they are written in the
instruction manual.

Top Flite Product Support

3002 N Apollo Drive, Suite 1
Champaign, IL 61822

Ph: (217) 398-8970, ext. 5 Fax: (217) 398-7721

E-mail: productsupport@top-fl


Replacement parts for the Top Flite Giant Spitfi re Mk
IX ARF are available using the order numbers in the
Replacement Parts List that follows. The fastest, most
economical service can be provided by your hobby
dealer or mail-order company. Not all parts are available
separately (an aileron cannot be purchased separately,
but is only available with the wing kit). Replacement
parts are not available from Product Support, but can
be purchased from hobby shops or mail order/Internet
order fi rms. Hardware items (screws, nuts, bolts) are
also available from these outlets.

To locate a hobby dealer, visit

and click on “Where to Buy”. Follow the instructions
provided on the page to locate a U.S., Canadian or
International dealer.

Parts may also be ordered directly from Hobby Services
by calling (217) 398-0007, or via facsimile at (217) 398-

7721, but full retail prices and shipping and handling

charges will apply. Illinois and Nevada residents will also