Top Flite TOPA0135 User Manual
Page 47

Cover the aircraft with MonoKote film using the
sequence below. Make sure the MonoKote film is
thoroughly bonded to the structure and all of the
edges are sealed. Use a Top Flite MonoKote Hot
Sock on your covering iron to avoid scratching the
MonoKote film.
When covering areas that involve fillets and
sharp junctions, like the tail section of the P-47, cut
narrow strips (3/8" to 5/8") and apply them in the
corners before covering the major surfaces. The
larger pieces of MonoKote film will overlap and
capture these smaller pieces. This technique also
bypasses the need to cut the MonoKote film in
these areas after it has been applied. DO NOT,
under any circumstances, attempt to cut the
covering material after it has been applied to
the fin and stab, except around the leading and
trailing edges and the tip. Modelers who do this
often cut through the covering and part-way into
the balsa stab skin. This can weaken the stab to
the point where it may fail in flight!
NOTE: The decal sheet does not give you
everything you need to completely trim your model,
but it does provide all the intricate detailing and
difficult items.
1. Study the plans and the photos on the box to
decide where to place the decals.
2. Thoroughly clean your airplane before
applying decals.
3. Trim the decals as close as practical.
Carefully apply the decals to the model.
NOTE: Certain decals (such as “No Push,” etc.)
are provided and may be used at your discretion.
Recommended Covering Sequence:
1. Tail fillet strips
2. Rudder left side
3. Rudder right side
4. Bottom of elevators
5. Top of elevators
6. Stab TE
7. Stab bottom
8 Stab top
9. Fin TE
10. Fin left side
11. Fin right side
12. Wing fillet (on fuselage)*
13. Fuse bottom
14. Fuse sides
15. Fuse top
16. Fuse color bands (if desired)
17. Ends of ailerons and flaps
18. Bottom of ailerons and flaps
19. Top of ailerons & flaps
20. TE surfaces of wing (at ailerons and flaps)
21. Bottom of fuse under wing
22. Bottom of left wing panel
23. Bottom of right wing panel (overlap covering 1/4")
24. Top of left wing panel (overlap covering 1/4")
25. Top of right wing panel (overlap covering 1/4")
* When covering concave surfaces, follow the iron
with a damp cloth, pressing the covering down.
You can practically eliminate wrinkles that
sometimes occur when using film covering
(caused when the model is left out in the sun or in
the back of your car) by following this technique
used in the Top Flite model shop.
1. Cover your sealing iron with a Top Flite Hot
Sock and turn the heat about 3/4 of the way to
the high setting.
2. Say we are going to cover the Stab – cut a
piece of MonoKote film about 2” larger all
around. Strip off the backing and position the film.
Tack the film down smack dab in the middle of
the Stab.
3. Pull (as in stretch) the film toward the tip,
sealing it to the balsa from the center out to the
tip. Work out any wrinkles and air pockets as
you proceed with a combination of circular and
back and forth motion.
4. Do the same procedure working the opposite
direction from the center.
5. Pull and seal diagonally toward the four
corners, always starting from the center. The
trick is to shrink out any wrinkles before you seal
the film to the surface.
6. Use a heat gun to heat and stretch the film
around curved surfaces like the stab and rudder
tips, while pulling on the excess material. You
may need to pull hard to get out all of the
wrinkles, so wear a glove if you need to. Follow-
up the heat gun with your sealing iron to secure
the bond.
The idea behind this approach (which can be
applied to any part of the model) is to pre-stretch
the MonoKote as it’s applied, and remove the air
pockets that can expand later which cause the
sags and wrinkles.
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