Top Flite TOPA0135 User Manual
Page 25

1. If you haven’t already done so, glue the
remaining four 3/16" x 3/16" x 24" aft fuselage
stringers to the notches in the formers.
2. Use a 3/16" x 3/16" x 24" stringer to make the
two aft stringers from F-9 to the rear of the fuselage.
3. Use a sanding block and 150-grit sandpaper
to blend the stringers to the formers and eliminate
any glue blobs or irregularities. Even up the
stringer ends with the formers.
4. Cut two Lower Fuselage Sheets from 3/32"
x 3-1/4" x 42" balsa to match the pattern on the
plan. The cut sheets will be slightly oversize to
allow for final fitting and sanding.
❏ ❏
5. Test fit the sheet to the fuselage and make
adjustments by carefully shaving away wood where
needed. Trim the sheeting between F-9 and F-5D to
fall on the centerline of the 3/16" Stringer. Aft of F-9
the sheeting is even with the bottom edge (top if
fuselage is upside down) of the stringer.
❏ ❏
6. Position the side sheet on the Main
ledge. Press the sheet against the Main
Stringer and wick thin CA into the joint, from the
inside. Start at the center and work forward and
aft, tack gluing the sheet in place as you proceed.
When the length of the sheet has been tacked in
place, go back and wick thin CA along the entire
inside edge.
❏ ❏
7. Bend the sheet into contact with the aft
stringer then wick thin CA into the joint–from the
center outward. If the balsa sheet is too rigid, use
water on a paper towel to moisten it. Finish
attaching the sheet by wicking CA into all former
and stringer joints along the sheet. Wipe any
excess CA from exposed edges before it cures.
❏ ❏
8. Add a piece of scrap 3/32" balsa to the aft
end of the sheet.
9. Repeat steps 3-6 for the opposite side.
10. Use two 3/32" x 4" x 30" balsa sheets to
cover one side of the aft bottom of the fuselage .
Wet the outside of the first sheet to help it bend
around the formers. When satisfied with the fit,
glue it in place with medium CA. Sheet both sides.
Wick thin CA along the top joint.
7. The stringer below the main side stringer
(above, if the model is upside-down on your
cradle) also must be spliced in order to clear the
intercoolers. Cut a section out of the stringers
directly above the main stringer.
8. Cut leftover 3/16" x 3/16" stringers to
reinforce the stringers you notched to clear the
intercooler air exits.
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