Top Flite TOPA0135 User Manual
Page 37

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18. Mark the location of the wing dowels from
inside the wing. Remove the wing center LE and
drill 1/4" holes at the marks. Hint: Use a sharpened
1/4" brass tube to mark the location and to “punch”
the holes–it really does a clean job. Do not glue
the wing center LE in place yet.
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19. Test fit, but do not glue, the 1/4" x 5-3/8"
wing dowels with the wing center LE. Make
adjustments if required then remove the dowels
and the wing center LE. Hint: Slightly round the
front of the dowels to allow them to plug into
the fuselage.
Proceed to step 21 if installing
retractible landing gear.
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20. Test fit both prebent 3/16" landing gear
wires in the landing gear blocks. Temporarily
mount the landing gear wires to the wing with the
nylon straps and #2 x 3/8" screws as shown on the
wing plan. Hint: Remove the balsa sheeting from
under the straps so they will be inset in the bottom
of the wing.
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21. Make the cutouts in the bottom wing skin
for the retracts. It’s easiest to first make the cutout
for the retract mount and strut without the wheel.
Mount the wheel to the strut and make the cutout
for the wheel. Allow more clearance behind the
wheel than in front of the wheel–the more
clearance the less trouble you are likely to have at
the flying field with the retracts hanging up in the
wheel well (3/32" - 1/4" behind the wheel
is realistic).
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22. Now is a good time to fuelproof inside the
wheel wells where you will not be able to reach with
a paint brush after the top wing sheeting is in place.
NOTE: If you elect to coat the inside of the wheel
wells later, it must be done before the covering is
applied. The paint tends to soak through the wing
skin which can blemish the covering.
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23. If you plan to make the outboard drop
tanks releasable, install the cables and the
mechanism now. The instructions included with the
drop tanks include general information on how to
hookup the release system and cables.
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24. If you haven’t already done so, remove
the remaining jig tabs. Use a sanding block on the
upper surfaces of the wing to blend all the ribs,
spars and trailing edges. Inspect all glue joints and
add CA to any joints that don’t look strong.
The top of the wing will be sheeted in four sections
like the bottom of the wing.
1. Temporarily reinstall the 1/4" wing dowels in
the wing. Locate the die-cut 1/8" plywood Leading
Edge Jigs, Trailing Edge Jigs (A) and (B), and the
Tip Jigs. Assemble the trailing edge jig (A) and (B).
2. Place the leading edge jigs onto the dowels
and set the wing on your flat building table with the
trailing edge jig in the center of the wing under the
trailing edge. Hint: Tack glue the jigs in position.
3. Place the die-cut 1/8" plywood tip jigs under
each wing tip directly under ribs W-11. The tabs at
the aft edge of the tip jigs should contact the
trailing edge of the ailerons at W-11. Now the wing
is ready for sheeting.
4. Make the upper forward skin halves just like
you made the bottom forward skin halves. Save the
large scraps for the upper aft sheeting.
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