Toa VM-3000 Series User Manual
Page 45

(3) Priority
Indicates the priority level of the emergency sound source. This emergency priority level is fixed. The lower
the number, the higher the priority.
(4) Internal ATT., External ATT., Master Volume
Displays the volume adjustment operation status of the internal attenuator (speaker output volume control),
external attenuator and master volume control when emergency broadcasts are made. Note that the
message volume cannot be adjusted during emergency broadcast.
Sound Source
Internal ATT.
External ATT.
Master Volume
RM-300MF/1 (Microphone announcement)
Fireman's Microphone
RM-300MF/2 (Microphone announcement)
EV 1 (Built-in Evacuation message)
EV 2 (Built-in Alert message)
(5) Priority Control
Since the emergency sound source's priorities are fixed, different priorities cannot be set for each
emergency sound source.
Sound Source
Priority Level
Live microphone announcement from RM-300MF/ID1
(RM-300MF assigned to ID1 using the setting software)
Fireman's Microphone
Live microphone announcement from RM-300MF/ID2
(RM-300MF assigned to ID2 using the setting software)
EV 1 (Built-in Evacuation message)
EV 2 (Built-in Alert message)