3 current requirements (standby and alarm), 1 current drawn from host panel, 2 current drawn from battery – SilentKnight 5499 9A Distributed Power Module User Manual

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Current Requirements (Standby and Alarm)


Current Drawn From Host Panel

Table 4-1 shows the 5499 current draw requirements from the main control panel
when the panel’s notification appliance circuit is in alarm. The current draw from the
main panel when it is supervising the 5499 is the same current draw that would be
present when the main panel supervises an ordinary notification appliance circuit.


Current Drawn from Battery

Batteries used with the 5499 must not exceed 35AH. (33AH max. for FM (Factory
Mutual) Installations). Batteries larger than 7 AH will not fit into the 5499 cabinet and
must be housed in the RBB Remote Battery Box. See Section 4.7 for battery

The following is the maximum current draw from the auxiliary power terminals for
standby calculations. These currents assume 24 or 60 hours of standby time,
followed by 5 minutes of maximum alarm current.

195 mA for 24 Hour Standby Current

39 mA for 60 Hours of Auxiliary Standby Current

The above numbers were calculated assuming the use of 7 AH batteries at 100% of
rated capacity.

The total current of the 5499, plus all items powered from it, must not exceed 9 A
when the panel is in alarm. Use Table 4-2 to ensure that the current does not exceed
9 A and, that the desired amount of standby is possible for the battery intended for
use with the 5499.

Table 4-1: Alarm Current Drawn From Main Control Panel

Panel Voltage


Alarm Current (for typical voltages)
drawn from main panel’s notification



12 VDC

6.5 mA

24 VDC

One input circuit:

15 mA

Both input circuits:

30 mA