Hardware requirements – Cisco 6500 User Manual

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Cisco IOS Software Configuration Guide, Release 12.2SX


Chapter 4 Configuring Virtual Switching Systems

Understanding Virtual Switching Systems

In-chassis RPR switchover—ICS supervisor engines in the supervisor engine 1 and supervisor
engine 2 positions boot up as RPR-Warm. RPR-Warm is when a supervisor engine acts as a DFC.
When a VSS stateful switchover occurs, the supervisor engine is reset to ROMMON and boot ups
with the supervisor engine image. You can verify the switchover mode of the supervisor engines by
entering the show module command.

VSS stateful switchover—When the in-chassis active supervisor engine crashes, a switchover occurs
and the whole chassis reloads (including the ICS) during which the standby supervisor engine takes
over as the in-chassis active supervisor engine. A z-switchover operates exactly like a switchover
except that the ICS supervisor engine takes priority and is assigned the in-chassis standby supervisor
engine. You can initiate a z-switchover by entering the redundancy force switchover command on
the in-chassis active supervisor engine. You can verify the switchover mode of the supervisor
engines by entering the show module command.

If you insert a supervisor engine from another system (VS or standalone) in the supervisor engine 1 or
supervisor engine 2 position of your existing two supervisor engine VSS system, the supervisor engine
does a reset to update the supervisor engine number, and then reboots before going online as a DFC.

Interface Naming Convention

In VSS mode, interfaces are specified using the switch number (in addition to slot and port), because the
same slot numbers are used on both chassis. For example, the interface 1/5/4 command specifies port 4
of the switching module in slot 5 of switch 1. The interface 2/5/4 command specifies port 4 on the
switching module in slot 5 of switch 2.

Software Features

With some exceptions, the VSS has feature parity with the standalone Catalyst 6500 series switch. Major
exceptions include:

In software releases earlier than Cisco IOS Release 12.2(33)SXI2, the VSS does not support IPv6
unicast or MPLS.

In software releases earlier than Cisco IOS Release 12.2(33)SXI, port-based QoS and port ACLs
(PACLs) are supported only on Layer 2 single-chassis or multichassis EtherChannel (MEC) links.
Beginning with Cisco IOS Release 12.2(33)SXI, port-based QoS and PACLs can be applied to any
physical port in the VSS, excluding ports in the VSL. PACLs can be applied to no more than 2046
ports in the VSS.

In software releases earlier than Cisco IOS Release 12.2(33)SXI4, the VSS does not support
supervisor engine redundancy within a chassis.

Starting in Cisco IOS Release 12.2(33)SXI4, the VSS does support supervisor engine redundancy
within a chassis.

In releases earlier than Release 12.2(33) SXH2, the VSS feature and the lawful intercept feature
cannot be configured together. (



Hardware Requirements

The following sections describe the hardware requirements of a VSS:

Chassis and Modules, page 4-9

VSL Hardware Requirements, page 4-9

PFC, DFC, and CFC Requirements, page 4-10