Configuring bfd dual-active detection – Cisco 6500 User Manual
Page 47
Cisco IOS Software Configuration Guide, Release 12.2SX
Chapter 4 Configuring Virtual Switching Systems
Configuring a VSS
Router(config-vs-domain)# dual-active detection pagp trust channel-group 20
Trusted port-channel 20 is not administratively down. To change the pagp dual-active trust
configuration, “shutdown” the port-channel first. Remember to “no shutdown” the
port-channel afterwards.
Configuring BFD Dual-Active Detection
For the BFD dual-active detection, you must configure dual-active interface pairs that will act as BFD
messaging links. By default, BFD detection is enabled.
To configure BFD dual-active detection, perform this task:
When you configure the dual-active interface pairs, note the following information:
The individual ports must be configured first with both an IP address and BFD configuration. The
configuration is validated when you add the dual-active interface pair.
The IP addresses assigned to the dual-active pair must be from two different networks or
The BFD timers must be configured with the same values on the ports at both ends of the link to
ensure proper operation of Layer 3 BFD dual-active detection.
The MAC address cannot be specified on the interface.
We recommend that you configure a short BFD interval and small multiplier value (such as 50 to 100 ms
for the interval and 3 as the multiplier value). If the interval and multiplier values are large, there is a
long delay before the system initiates dual-active mode recovery. This condition can cause network
instability and poor convergence.
This example shows how to configure interfaces for BFD dual-active detection:
Router (config)# interface gigabitethernet 1/9/48
Router (config-if)# no switchport
Router (config-if)# ip address
Router (config-if)# bfd interval 100 min_rx 100 multiplier 3
Router (config-if)# no shutdown
Router (config-if)# interface gigabitethernet 2/1/48
Router (config-if)# no switchport
Router (config-if)# ip address
Router (config-if)# bfd interval 100 min_rx 100 multiplier 3
Router (config-if)# no shutdown
Router (config-if)# exit
Router (config)# switch virtual domain 100
Step 1
Router(config)# switch virtual domain domain_id
Enters virtual switch submode.
Step 2
Router(config-vs-domain)# dual-active detection bfd
Enables BFD dual-active detection method. By
default, BFD detection is enabled.
Step 3
Router(config-vs-domain)# dual-active pair interface
int_1 interface int_2 bfd
Configures the dual-active pair of interfaces. The
interfaces int_1 and int_2 are of the form
The interfaces must be directly connected (a single
Layer 3 hop).
= fastethernet, gigabitethernet, or tengigabitethernet