PRG VL6C+ User Manual
Page 65

DMX Power Pack
The DMX Power Pack (DPP) is a portable electronics chassis that provides lamp power and control to Series 300
DMX512 Universe
A group of up to 512 DMX channels. Consoles may have more than one universe, usually labeled in groups of 512.
To de-energize a luminaire lamp. (Douse is unrelated to intensity states.)
Epic Connector
A six-pin, three-phase 35 amp connector found on 8/5 wire used to provide power to a Modular Rack SixPack
(Break-In) 6 male plugs to female multicore connector. In the case of Series 300 equipment, a Socapex connector.
(Break-Out) A male multicore connector to 6 female plugs. In the case of Series 300 equipment, a Socapex connector.
In the case of Series 300 equipment, 2/0 double-insulated wire, rated at 225 amps, with 4\0 Cam-Lok connectors on
either end, color coded by phase, neutral and ground.
Fixture Orientation
Based on the direction the pigtail points as it exits the fixture.
Flipped Focus
When one or more fixtures inadvertently move differently from others in the system.
The point to which the light beam is directed. Also, a function of the luminaire related to the direction of the beam as
specified by pan and/or tilt data.
A luminaire mechanism which allows framing of the light beam.
A pattern (template) used to create backgrounds or texture when projected on to scenery or cycloramas, or to create
the illusion of natural elements such as fire, windows or tree leaves.
Hard Reset
Restarts luminaires and reloads operating system and cue data.
Home Position
Pan and Tilt values at 50%. Also called “Zero Position” or a "50/50" cue or group.
Hubbell Connector
A five-pin, three-phase connector found on 8/5 wire, used to provide power to a Modular Rack SixPack Chassis,
when used with the proper Epic to Hubbell adapter.
A function of a rotating gobo mechanism.