Glossary of terms – PRG VL6C+ User Manual

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Glossary of Terms


A numerical "name" given to a device on a DMX512 line indicating which of 512 possible channels it will respond to.

Align (lamp)

The process of adjusting the lamp within the reflector to obtain the desired output quality of the beam.

APS6 Module

The lamp power supply (ballast) for arc lamps found in the VL6C+ Luminaire.

APS6 Trunk Cable

Multi-conductor cable used to provide six circuits of arc lamp power to VARI

LITE Series 300 luminaires. Differs from

industry standard six circuit Socapex cable by using pin 19 as a shield to eliminate RF noise, which can interfere with
sound systems. (Can be used with incandescent lamps.)

Arc Lamp

A type of lamp which creates light by forming an arc of electricity. Brightness is achieved by including gasses and
metals within the envelope of the lamp which dissolve and give off a bright light. Arc lamps must be dimmed
mechanically because electrical dimming will extinguish the arc.


An individual controllable aspect of a luminaire: pan, tilt, color, etc. Also known as "parameter."


1) The size, shape and sharpness of image of the light beam as projected on stage.
2) A function of the luminaire related to the size, shape, and sharpness of the light beam, specified by beam and edge
data, and use of gobos (patterns) as required.

C3 Dimmer


LITE current sensing dimmer that can be installed in a Modular Rack SixPack chassis to control the

intensity of a VL5 or VL5B wash luminaire.


A control reference which collects a device’s associated thumbwheel address(es) (device, lamp power, etc.) and maps
them to a single selectable number. Channels are assigned via the patch setup. (Also referred to as a "Control

Console Timing

Time value in seconds or minutes applied to an entire cue.


Device used to control the relative output (or intensity) of an incandescent lamp.


Digital multiplexing; an industry standard protocol. 8-bit protocol with a maximum of 256 steps of resolution per
channel. Maximum of 512 controllable channels per DMX data stream.

DMX512 Cable

Industry standard cable consists of two twisted pair and a shield, and 5-pin XLR style connectors. The pin out is: pin
1 = common (shield), pin 2 = data -, pin 3 = data +. The second pair (pins 4 & 5) may be used for a secondary data
link; in VARI

LITE equipment, these pins are not used.